Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'


Il Psilocybe Cubensis Golden Teacher è una varietà di fungo magico che vi insegnerà un mondo migliore. Questo ceppo iniziò a diffondersi alla fine degli anni '80, ma la sua precisa origine non si conosce. Il nome Golden Teacher deriva dal colore dorato del cappello e dalle capacità sciamaniche capaci di mostrarvi un mondo migliore.

51,99 € tasse incl.
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Volume: 1200 ml 51,99 €
  • Volume: 1200 ml 51,99 €
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Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher': Insegnare per un mondo migliore

Il Psilocybe cubensis Golden Teacher è una varietà di fungo magico che iniziò a diffondersi alla fine degli anni '80, ma chi lo scoprì e da dove provenga sono un'incognita. Il suo nome deriva dai suoi cappelli dorati e dall'eccellente capacità sciamanica di insegnarci un mondo migliore. Questo kit Supa-Gro contiene un mattoncino da 1200ml di substrato al 100% di spore inoculate, pronte per essere coltivate (l'unica cosa che si deve apportare è un po' di pazienza). Non fatevi ingannare dal primo getto: questo ceppo tende a produrre poco la prima volta, ma la seconda è già più abbondante della prima.

I kit per la coltivazione di funghi allucinogeni Supa Gro sono preparati da micologi esperti e contengono micelio estremamente vitale.

Manuale di Supa Gro

Contenuto confezione

  • 1200ml di substrato di coltivazione
  • Contenitore di coltivazione

Calcolatore di dosi per funghi magiciCalcola

Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher' - Scheda Tecnica
Volume 1200ML
Marche Supa Gro
Varietà Golden Teacher

Ulteriori informazioni relative a questo prodotto:

Recensioni (737)
    View all reviews

    Grow kit
    Amazing product great service from the team with advice and after a week coming i on great

    J. S.

    5 tubs in, minimal gains
    It's highly likely that it's me doing something wrong, but I don't know what. 5 tubs in and never had a tub look anything like the picture. Last three tubs came uncolonized with just a vague number 8, only growth came from the sides. It says to start straight away but I think maybe this depends on whether it gets straight through customs or not. They seem to require WAY more fae than it says, as twice a day still creates nik naks and spiral shaped mushrooms. I misted all them but unsure how to mist without it going on the sub so just sprayed side of bag. I'd have loved to have emailed asking more I formation but after the first order I recieved a heat mat that didn't work and recieved minimal help, so didn't bother this time. I now have three tubs stalled after first rubbish flush. I am not going to bash quality, or shipping, I received some cool gifts in the last order but to be honest, I just want mushrooms. Will be looking into doing mono tubs from scratch, whether I can get the stuff to do your own on here I'm unsure yet. Oh, and I'd squeeze the lids down before opening to compact the sides again, as two cakes had already shrank slightly, although without the side growth I may not have got many at all. £150, ain't even got an oz of shrooms. Too expensive to risk it again.

    C. R.

    Got the box on Christmas Eve and started Christmas evening already had above 50g fresh and dried them out amazing taste will buy again

    H. S.

    Supa gro : super grow
    Une belle récolte comme d'habitude, produit de qualité

    R. B.

    Golden Teacher
    C'est "Supa gros kit" sont très facile à faire pousser . Les instructions données par la tribe sont limpides et simple à comprendre... Pour un beau voyage au pays de Zamni ... Belle année à tous et merci la tribu

    J. D.

    Excellente qualité
    Comme il est dit dans la description, ne pas se fier à la première récolte, les suivantes sont de plus en plus impressionnantes. Avec un peu de patience et un peu d'observation, la qualité du pain permet d'obtenir des champignons d'excellence. Idéale pour sa propre production permettant de pouvoir gérer le séchage, ses soins, son dosage…

    P. C.

    All good
    Great little kits nice and easy to do. Would definitely recommend, just make sure you follow the instructions

    A. B.

    perfect stuff
    order was like some years ago , but i had 3 flushes and countless shrooms! i simply love you zamnesia!

    F. S.

    wachsen und gedeihen die Zauberlinge...

    A. F.

    sehr einfache Handhabe und lässt nicht viel Raum für Fehler, solange man sich an die Anleitung hält
    Leider nur ein kleiner zweiter Flush und kein dritter mehr, insgesamt war die Ausbeute aber trotzdem okay

    A. O.
    Non puoi lasciare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
Domande (3)
Peter 2015-11-09 22:33:28

How much light they need to grow?


These kits do best in daylight, 18°C -28°C. Don’t place them in direct sunlight though! Indirect sunlight is the ideal lighting to grow mushrooms.

kb 2014-04-23 00:54:05

Is it ok to use bottled water? As in, would this be any better to grow mushroomz or just the same as tapwater?


Either works just fine. We recommend to just use tap water to keep the costs down. If you insist on using bottled water, just make sure that you are using still water (without bubbles).

mink 2013-05-23 23:30:05

Do i need to add water at the beginning, when i put the opened box in the bag? how often do i need to add water? the manual is unclear on this and i read varying instructions in the other question sections of other 100%mycelium kits.


No need to add water in the beginning. When the first caps start showing, simply spray some water onto the insides of the bags once or twice a day. You can do this when you are airing the kit for example. Make sure you don't spray directly onto the shrooms though.

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Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
Supa Gro Kit 100% 'Golden Teacher'
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