Bong Mystery


Prova anche tu un Bong Mystery! Disponibili sia in ceramica che in acrilico, queste pipe ad acqua sono semplici e funzionali. E costano anche poco! Acquista un Bong Mystery prima che spariscano per sempre. Sono facili da usare: basta mettere l’erba nella camera ed accenderla per godersi senza problemi una gustosa fumata.

14,95 € tasse incl.
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Materiale: Acrilico 14,95 €
  • Materiale: Acrilico 14,95 €
  • Materiale: Bicchiere - Piccola 10,00 €
  • Materiale: Ceramica 12,95 €
  • Materiale: Vetro - Grande 50,00 €
- +
Combinazioni di prodotto:
Materiale: Acrilico 14,95 € Disponibile
Materiale: Ceramica 12,95 € Non disponibile
Materiale: Bicchiere - Piccola 10,00 € Disponibile
Materiale: Vetro - Grande 50,00 € Disponibile
I prezzi non comprendono le spese di spedizione, in quanto le tariffe variano a seconda del Paese. Consultate i costi di spedizione qui.
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  • Recensioni (13)
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Recensioni (13)
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    "Big" Glass Bong
    Ordered a mystery big glass bong. I got a semi big Bong with some production errors which explains why they sell them as "mystery" bongs as they don't get rid of them if they don't sell them like that. Got the 35cm Bong Silver Cirkus from Kush Bong. However I like the Bong anyways as it also has the possibility to add Ice.

    N. S.

    Very Low Quality, Glass Bong contains plastic
    Disappointed about the quality. The cheaper plain glass ones are much better quality! I was only offered to undo my complete order, returning this bong only seems to be impossible!

    N. S.

    Geht so

    P. R.

    Beautiful bong with mushrooms
    I'm so glad I've purchased this. The bong is so cute. I'm definitely buying the mystery box again in the future.

    H. S.

    Very good product
    very good bong for very cheap price 5/5

    M. H.

    Optisch sieht die Bong ganz cool aus, aber wie bereits beschrieben riecht der Gummi/Plastik Sockel extrem unangenehm nach billig und ungesund. Leider kommt dieser Sockel auch mit dem Bongwasser in Berührung. Wahrscheinlich ist das gesundheitlich schon höchst fragwürdig, aber der Geschmack und der Geruch von dem Plastik ist dann einfach überall, was auch kein besonders gutes Raucherlebnis bietet. Kann ich nicht empfehlen. Edit: Wie immer kann man sich bei Problemen aber gut an den Support wenden. Solltet ihr das Produkt also trotzdem ausprobieren wollen und unzufrieden sein, findet man mit dem Support immer eine faire Lösung.

    M. G.

    Heel leuke bong
    Heb dan toch nog een bong laten komen. Wel leuke bong

    S. K.

    Erwartungen übertroffen
    Ich hatte eine Standart bong erwartet und habe eine sehr schöne kleine aber feine bong bekommen

    L. A.

    Nice surprise
    Got a nice little skull bong with this mystery

    M. L.

    Bong /. Glass / Small
    it is awesome color is looking like peacocks tail with small eyes all around the bong and the bowl is light green so u can see trough it

    T. S.
    Non puoi lasciare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
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